Remy Report - November 2020

April 15, 2022 45 view(s) 4 min read
Remy Report - November 2020

Remy Report - Let's start something! Thanksgiving Edition


Remy Battery Supports the Troops!

Hire Vets Program.


Veteran's Day was November 11th, 2020 and we at Remy Battery want to extend our gratitude to everyone that served our Country. Remy Battery doesn't state our support for the troops as an empty platitude, but act on it as well.

Many people know that we supply batteries to local first responders as well as the Federal Government and the US Military. What many people don't know, is that Remy is committed to hire on Military Veterans. By meeting a set of requirements, including the retention of over 10% of employees being Military Veterans, Remy Battery was awarded the Hire Vets Award from the Department of Labor.

Remy Battery is proud to support our troops both internally in the company and externally through our products and services. We humbly take on the responsibility that our Military's combat readiness is reliant on their equipment and the people that use it. Remy will always strive to provide our Military men and women with the best possible products to utilize while they serve, as well as a place to work and grow when they come home.


Happy Thanksgiving!


Cornucopia, Thankgiving Celebration

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” - William Ward

We at Remy want to wish you and your families a Happy Thanksgiving. We will be closed on Thanksgiving Day to spend time with our families and friends and will re-open on Friday for normal business hours. Our physical locations may be closed on this day, but don't forget our website is open 24/7!

America Recycles Day is November 15th

We are proud to be a component in the lead acid battery industry having the highest recycling rate of any consumer product. The Battery Council International (BCI) has conducted National Recycling Rate Studies which shows that lead batteries have a recycling rate of 99.3 percent. The near perfect rate of recycling is attributed to industry investment in a state-of-the-art closed-loop collection and recycling system that keeps 1.7 million tons of batteries out of landfills annually.

BCI has joined the EPA as the agency hosts its annual America Recycles Day Summit. They will host an Innovation Fair on November 16th showcasing advances in recycling, and will conclude with a summit on November 17 virtually. This event is free and open to the public.

While we extend the invitation daily, this November, we ask our customers to bring their old batteries in so that we can properly recycle them and keep them out of our landfills. We recycle most chemistries free of charge, and in some cases such as lead acid, we will even pay you for them. Stop in and walk out a few dollars richer, while helping the environment at the same time!

Did You Remember to Check Your Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detector Batteries?

Despite what the weather is telling us, it is currently fall. The end of Daylight Saving Time was on November 1st, 2020. The time change was the perfect time to check those smoke alarm and carbon monoxide detector batteries, but if you forgot, it's never too late.

With this upcoming holiday season, you will want to ensure that your house has its smoke detector batteries up and running. Between candles, lights, fireplaces, cooking, and more, there are plenty of fire hazards. Smart battery maintenance and fire safety go hand in hand in many cases and we are always prepared and stocked up for whatever battery needs you may have.

While you are picking up batteries for your smoke detectors, do not forget to ask about maintainers and chargers to make sure your vehicles have healthy batteries and are ready to be taken back out for the next summer.

Phot of an assortment of different batteries.

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